The Greene County Engineer's Office is responsible for storm water management and compliance in unincorporated areas (Small MS4 general permit under the Ohio EPA Storm Water regulations program) on behalf of the Greene County Commissioners, as well as Bath, Beavercreek, Sugarcreek and Xenia Townships.
The Greene County Engineer's Office coordinates activities among the various stakeholders, providing support for each of the Minimum Control Measures (MCMs) outlined in the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency's (Ohio EPA) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). Permit.
The Greene County Storm Water Taskforce and program were initiated in 2003 and reinstituted in 2019 to coordinate programs related to drainage management, water quality management and storm water regulation compliance. The partnership was formed among the Greene County Drainage Engineer (GCDE), Greene County Regional Planning (GCRP), Greene County Sanitary Engineer (GCSE), Greene County Public Health (GCPH), Greene Soil & Water Conservation District (GSWCD) and 4 townships (Bath, Beavercreek, Sugarcreek and Xenia).