H2Ohio Open House: OhioPays and OACI assistance

August 7th, 2024, 9am to 4pm
Sunrise Cooperative: Starbuck Facility
310 Starbuck Rd. Wilmington, OH 45177
Greene Soil and Water Conservation District and Sunrise Cooperative will be hosting an open house on August 7th, 2024 from 9am to 4pm. This event is for H2Ohio contract holders to recieve assistance in setting up their OhioPays account to recieve their H2Ohio payments, and to complete the Ohio Agriculture Conservation Iniative survey, as required by their contracts
There will be an assortment of breakfast and lunch food and refreshments served throughout the day.
Please register below.
If you would like to work through steps 3 and 4 on your own, please follow the links on the side or bottom of the page. As always, if you have any questions please give us a call.
Amanda McKay Kalen Kelly Emilie Fisher
Greene SWCD Sunrise Cooperative Warren SWCD
937-416-6906 937-302-0515 (513) 695-2556